Tuesday 1 May 2012

So now the foam has set its times to start making the seat buck!

The first thing to do was rough out the shape of the seat from the expanding foam, the best was I found to do this was with an old cheap bread knife, that was quite flexible to slice through the foam, this gave clean cut edges and make smoothing out easier.

Once the foam was roughed out it was then a case of adding ALOT of filler, i used a very cheap filler from Tool station to do the bulk filling. It was then roughed out until it was approximately the right shape.

Time for more sanding! then I applied a second coat of filler, the second stage of filling was with a much finer filler that allowed it to be smoothed out very easily during both the application and sanding. The filler i used was a polyester "Stopper" filler made by Plastic Padding.

Once the stopper was smoothed out I then brushed on 3 very heavy coats of high build primer, this filled in any pores in the filler and helps smooth out the curves.

Guess what... More sanding! then a few coats of primer.

Its starting to look like a Cafe Racer!

Next up was the top coat.

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